Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Mr. President, Please Sign Here

I call upon President Obama -- who has had this power from the minute he was sworn into office -- to end the persecution, harrassment, and firings of gay and lesbian American military heroes under the outdated and bigoted DADT law, as he promised to do THIS YEAR. Do it immediately, through Executive Order, regardless of the result of any Senate vote tonight. To have the power and refuse to use it makes you, sir, a liar and a coward.


The American People, the U.S. courts, the House of Representatives, the military AND civilian leaders of the armed forces, the Commander in Chief/President of the United States, AND a majority of the U.S. Senate ALL AGREE that this policy m...ust end. But ONLY Obama can end the discharges immediately with the stroke of his pen.

The time has come. Sign the Executive Order. Or forever let it be a part of your legacy that you chose to perpetuate this hateful bigotry.

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