Saturday, December 11, 2010

David Bahati -- 'Ugandan Hitler'

Here, assembled in one place, are some recent comments I have made about David Bahati -- also known as Ugandan Hitler -- the member of the Ugandan parliament who is the author of the "Kill the Gays" bill. Some were made live while his interview was running on The Rachel Maddow Show.


This ignorant asshole thinks it's important that we "respect one another" as he tries to pass a law that murders people for being born gay. I don't respect you, I recognize you as the evil, human-garbage Hitler-wannabe that you are, and I look forward to meeting you in person very soon to let you feel up close and personally the channeled rage of every decent, intelligent person on earth.


Ugandan Hitler believes (and is trying to write into law) that Uganda's hatred should be able to reach out its ugly, withered claw into other sovereign nations to snatch up & pull back to Uganda citizens to be imprisoned for life for the crime of having sex w/a person of the same sex. Shame on the U.S. State Department for granting this man a visa to set foot on American soil to spread his murderous verbal garbage.


A word to the wise: when you have to repeat on national television over and over again "I am not involved in a hate campaign" & deny that you are Adolf Hitler, Saddam Hussein or Idi Amin, these should be subtle signs for the average person that you are doing something very wrong. As the kids are so fond of advising nowadays, 'check yourself before you wreck yourself.' You have some wicked bad juju headed your way.


This man is Jack Klenk. David Bahati, the Ugandan Hitler who wants to execute homosexuals in Uganda, stayed with Jack and his wife Linda while here in the U.S. I have spent the last couple of days on email and on conference calls with other activists, planning a surprise visit to the Klenk home, located at 10733 Green Drive, Lorton, VA 22079-3534, for early Friday morning. This evening, David Bahati unexpectedly slipped out of the country before that could happen. Mr. Klenk's phone number is listed as (703) 550-8728. Perhaps if you are a neighbor or friend of his, you could politely tell Mr. and Mrs. Klenk what you think of their opening their home to a murderous monster. I'm sure you will only do so in a friendly manner during normal daylight hours.


If he is ever granted another visa to set foot on American soil again, for any reason whatsoever, the U.S. Department of State will be our next target.

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