Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Obama Administration STILL Upholding DADT in the Courts AND in the Military -- DISGUSTING

Trust me when I tell you, it is NOT often that I will be quoting (or agreeing with) the Log Cabin Republicans.  I find the very existence of the organization to be repugnant.  I automatically assume that anyone who belongs is overwhelmed with self-hatred and deep shame.

That having been said, their press release from earlier today (okay, I guess yesterday, by now) is a real eye-opener.  There is absolutely no justification whatsoever for Barry and his evil flying monkeys at the sorely-misnamed "Justice Department" to continue their hate-fueled lynchmobs.  The law requiring the policy of kicking out teh gayz has changed -- yes.  (Well -- kind of.  But it's too complicated to go into all the minutiae here.)

But the POLICY remains in full effect while the process goes forward for an unspecified period of time.  Until all the certifications are made and former KKK member Robert Byrd's from-beyond-the-well-deserved-grave "waiting period" have all been exhausted, American heroes fighting for their country are still at risk of being investigated, persecuted, and terminated.  There is no room for differing opinions on ending this policy immediately:  if you don't support ending it immediately, if Obama's refusal to end it immediately doesn't sicken you to your very core, you're not a human being.

Obama could end all of this today, this morning, with nothing more than his signature on a sheet of paper.

That he refuses to do so, and thus chooses voluntarily to force American military heroes to live under the very real threat of persecution and prosecution because of how they were born and who they love, is reprehensible, inexcusable, and disgusting.  Shame on him.

Mark the date and time, because you're not going to hear me say this very often:  I applaud the Log Cabin Republicans for what they are doing.  Bravo -- keep up the good work!

Obama Department of Justice Up to Old Tricks in New Year
(Washington, DC) – Despite the fact that legislation was enacted last month which removed ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ from U.S. statute, the Obama Department of Defense has continued the policy’s enforcement and the Obama Department of Justice continues to defend the ban in court. Continuing its strategy of obstruction, the Department of Justice has requested that the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeal delay hearing Log Cabin Republicans v. USA indefinitely.
“Passage of the ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ Repeal Act of 2010 was an important step toward open service, but until open service is a reality, our legal battle remains necessary,” said Log Cabin Republicans Executive Director R. Clarke Cooper.  “As long as servicemembers are under threat of discharge and there is no clear timeline for certification, Log Cabin will stand for the constitutional rights of our men and women in uniform.”
“The White House and its lawyers at the Department of Justice are once again worlds apart,” said Dan Woods, Partner at White and Case, and lead attorney for Log Cabin Republicans v. USA. “Despite the President and Vice President’s insistence that this policy should be ended in an expedient manner, the Department of Justice has continued to throw up roadblocks. I reached out to my counterparts at the Department of Justice and offered to accept a stay if the government would agree to immediately end all discharges under ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.’  The Obama administration refused, and insists on continuing its enforcement of a policy that has been rejected by Congress, the military, and the American people.   We are left with no choice but to continue our challenge to this failed and unconstitutional policy.”
Log Cabin Republicans have maintained a three-front strategy against ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,’ lobbying for repeal in Congress, consulting with the Department of Defense, and filing suit in federal court.  The case went to trial in July of 2010, and Judge Virginia Phillips ruled on September 9, 2010 that the policy violated the First and Fifth Amendments of the Constitution.

Thank you to my friends Rob Schwitz and David ReadytoRumble Fleck for the tip.

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